STEM Equity Initiative Blog

The Importance of Community
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The Importance of Community

What does community mean in education?

To connect community in education, we must begin by thinking about the whole child, not just addressing his, her, or their deficits. We must consider the child in the community of the classroom, the school, and the neighborhood.

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Questions from the field: How do we continue to increase numbers of male and female students in educational programs that are nontraditional for them?
Educational Equity, CTE, STEM Guest User Educational Equity, CTE, STEM Guest User

Questions from the field: How do we continue to increase numbers of male and female students in educational programs that are nontraditional for them?

I’m often asked the questions, “How can we affect changes in student selection decisions for career and technical education (CTE) programs of study?” and “How can I convince a girl entering high school to consider a program in manufacturing or building trades or a boy entering high school to consider a nursing program?” Because so many potential factors influence student course and program choices (e.g., parents, peers, prior learning, cultural bias, hormones, and more), how can educators ensure the all students have full access to any and all of the CTE programs? Equally important, how can educators ensure that progress toward increasing enrollment for traditionally underrepresented students continue over time?

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